3. internationale Konferenz der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflegewissenschaften 2023

Expand nursing competencies to improve person-centered care for nursing home residents: The Expand-Care Curriculum

Huckle Ta, Sill, Ja, Silies Ka, Pohontsch Nb, Lühmann Db, Balzer, Ka

aInstitute for Social Medicine and Epidemiology, Nursing Research Unit, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany

bDepartment of General Practice/Primary Care, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany



Few academic nurses work in long-term care facilities in Germany, and potential roles are unclear. Within the project Expand-Care (DRKS00028708), a role profile for academic nurses has been developed and is currently evaluated in an exploratory cluster-randomised trial involving 11 nursing-homes. Intervention group nurses participate in a newly developed educational programme (Expand-Care Curriculum) to acquire expanded competencies for person-centered elderly care.


To examine whether the curriculum is suitable to enable nurses to perform expanded tasks in practice.

Design and Methods

The curriculum comprises 300 hours of blended learning in two modules: 1) expanded nursing roles and competencies and 2) person-centered nursing and care for chronically ill people. Learning formats are: 1) face-to-face teaching, 2) self-directed learning and 3) training on the job.

Evaluation of feasibility and benefits targets outcomes based on the Kirkpatrick Model: degree of implementation, learning success, and self-image and understanding of professional roles. Semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and surveys will be analysed using qualitative content analysis and descriptive statistics. Effects of the curriculum will additionally be assessed by supervision of participants’ performance in practice and written exams.


Baseline data collection of the trial has been completed. After 2 weeks of face-to-face teaching, 4 participants are now undergoing training-on-the-job. Curriculum’s content and learning success have been rated favourably so far. The curriculum will conclude in February 2023.


If feasibility and benefits will be confirmed, the curriculum will be made publicly available for academic nursing education to support evidence-based, person-centered nursing care for the elderly.


Huckle, T, Sill, J, Silies K, Pohontsch, N, Lühmann D, Balzer K (2023, 11.-12. Mai). Expand nursing competencies to improve person-centered care for nursing home residents: The Expand-Care Curriculum [Vortrag]. 3. internationale Konferenz der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflegewissenschaften 2023, online.